Tapkit – Microsite & QR Studio
No matter what industry you’re in, being on the customer-facing side of things can start to feel like Groundhog Day.
When you’re answering the same questions repeatedly, it’s easy to slip and send an embarrassing email or twenty. (“I did it again. I wrote ‘Thanks for reaching out, [INSERT CUSTOMER HERE]’ instead of their name.”)
If only you could say all the right things, while also saving time and energy on repetitive typing.

Plans & features
Deal terms & conditions
1 Year of access to Tapkit Plan
You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase
1 Year of Tapkit Plan updates
Please note: This deal is not stackable
60 day money-back guarantee. Try it out for 2 months to make sure it’s right for you!
Specification: Tapkit – Microsite & QR Studio
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