No matter what industry you’re in, being on the customer-facing side of things can start to feel like Groundhog Day.
When you’re answering the same questions repeatedly, it’s easy to slip and send an embarrassing email or twenty. (“I did it again. I wrote ‘Thanks for reaching out, [INSERT CUSTOMER HERE]’ instead of their name.”)
If only you could say all the right things, while also saving time and energy on repetitive typing.

Positioning blackboard
Positioning makes your customers understand why your product is a better solution for the problem that keeps bugging them.
When you position your product correctly, you will always know what to write, tweet, or talk about it to customers.
2Quiet2Market has blackboards with colorful building blocks that let you compose the marketing model for your own product, step by step.
Product, features, benefits, jobs-to-be-done, stories, and qualities – there is a building block for everything to make your product look totally awesome to your future customers. 🔥
(And if you prefer whiteboards over blackboards, 2Quiet2Market respects light mode vs. dark mode on your machine, automatically!)

Story Composer
When starting out to market a new product, it is important to create an initial set of messages that resonate with your audience.
Not a natural copywriter? Don’t worry.
Write simple blocks of microcopy (one per building block) and let Story Composer do the rest.
Story Composer will form the longer story your customers need to hear from the snippets you gave it. ✍️
It gives you full control via merge tags like you know them from email marketing systems.
That way, you can focus on one piece of your story at a time, i.e. a feature, a benefit, or a job-to-be-done.
And your customers get the story that helps them get into the mood to buy from you. 💸

Experiment Designer
Marketing doesn’t always succeed, so it’s important to run experiments, telling a story through different channels (e.g. landing page, email, social media).
Experimentation is less stressful when you separate planning and running the experiments.
Experiment Designer makes it easy to create marketing experiments that you can run regularly, with step-by-step recipes, to see what sticks and what gets ignored.
When the time to run the next experiment comes, you know exactly what story to tell, which audios, videos, or text snippets to use, and what the step-by-step recipe is to run it.
Over time, you learn from experiments, get better results from your marketing, and make your business take off like a rocket. 🚀

Todoist integration
Marketing needs to be done like a habit.
It must not get lost in the myriad of things you have to do as a solopreneur.
2Quiet2Market integrates with Todoist, the famous task management system.
The integration automatically turns experiments into to-do lists!
Marketing never gets lost in your priorities as a solopreneur, and you’ll always find time to do it.
And by the way: The feeling when you ✅ off a marketing task – priceless! 👍

Invite your friends to discuss your marketing
When you look at another person’s marketing, your brain immediately produces ideas on how to make it even better.
But when you stare at your own work, your brain might get bored and say nothing at all.
Therefore, 2Quiet2Market contains a “share” function.
Send a link to your friends or peers. When they click, they become your guest and get a look at your marketing model!
Hear what your peers say when they see your marketing.
Get honest feedback so you can add missing pieces, remove noise, and improve your messages so customers will buy.
Get access to 2Quiet2Market today!
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Specification: 2Quiet2Market
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