Ägile Ässets
No matter what industry you’re in, being on the customer-facing side of things can start to feel like Groundhog Day.
When you’re answering the same questions repeatedly, it’s easy to slip and send an embarrassing email or twenty. (“I did it again. I wrote ‘Thanks for reaching out, [INSERT CUSTOMER HERE]’ instead of their name.”)
If only you could say all the right things, while also saving time and energy on repetitive typing.

Experience the convenience of having all your posts, assets, and media elements in a single, centralized location.
Say goodbye to the worry of unexpected bans or disruptions on platforms like Instagram, as Ägile Ässets keeps your content readily available for immediate use and reuse.
Our intuitive welcome dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your assets, highlighting what’s already complete and indicating any areas that require attention, such as copy or hashtags.
With Ägile Ässets, you can effortlessly manage your campaigns and content pillars, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable content creation process.

Ägile Ässetss is all about removing unnecessary gaps in the creation and posting process and here you can see one of the process we created so you can work seamlessly:
- add posts directly in Ägile Ässets – click on the plus and start typing away
- and/or create them on Canva without having to leave the app, add them once the layout, story or video is done directly to the asset library
- and/or prepare them in Canva and while working here add them directly – no need to download / upload
- plus bulk create posts for a campaign with our sheet upload tool.
So much hassle removed, so much space for creativity gained again!

Ägile Ässets simplifies the process of adding emojis and hashtags to your social media posts.
Say goodbye to the hassle of using multiple tools and platforms. With Ägile Ässets, you can effortlessly include emojis in your content as you go, ensuring your LinkedIn posts are well-structured and your Instagram posts catch attention.
Additionally, our hashtag finder feature takes the guesswork out of finding relevant hashtags for your posts on both Instagram and LinkedIn. Streamline your workflow and save time with Ägile Ässets, making emoji and hashtag integration a breeze.

Implementing your content marketing or social media marketing strategy can be a daunting task. But with Ägile Ässets, it becomes an intuitive and seamless process. Simply add your main campaigns and regular content pillars to our platform. Enhance the visual appeal of your content by incorporating emojis and your brand colors. Then, effortlessly fill in the content details.
When you’re ready to share your creations with the world, Ägile Ässets empowers you to shoot them out to various platforms.
Publish your content directly to LinkedIn (pages and profiles), Facebook pages, Instagram channels, Twitter, and Google My Business. Experience the convenience and efficiency of Ägile Ässets in bringing your marketing strategy to life.

Stay super agile and stay ahead of the game with Ägile Ässets! Experience the freedom of shooting from the hip while being fully prepared. Say goodbye to the struggle of having enough relevant content at the right time.
Unlike rigid content scheduling systems that lack adaptability, Ägile Ässets empowers you to effortlessly drag and drop posts onto your brand calendar. You have the control to release your content when it truly matters. It takes just a second to make it happen. And if circumstances change, rearranging your messages is a breeze.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to streamline your content management and maximize your marketing efforts. Try Ägile Ässets today!
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Lifetime access to Agile Assets
You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase
All future Cosmopolitan Plan updates
Please note: This deal is not stackable
Specification: Ägile Ässets
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